Behavioral rules and Regulations



This document outlines the behavioral rules and regulations that all trainees at Elaa Academy must adhere to during their training period. These rules ensure a safe, positive, and effective learning environment for all participants.



  • Promote noble human values and instill a sense of responsibility among trainees.
  • Ensure compliance with the laws, rules, and regulations applicable in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • Minimize behavioral violations by raising awareness among trainees.
  • Provide an educational environment that stimulates creativity, innovation, and excellence.



This document applies to all trainees at Elaa Academy, including those participating in training courses and activities, both within Academy buildings and at any other location where Academy activities are held.



All trainees must familiarize themselves with, understand, and adhere to these terms and conditions throughout their training. The Academy administration reserves the right to take necessary actions, including expelling a trainee, in case of non-compliance with these rules.



  • Disclose any incorrect information provided during the registration process. If a trainee needs to amend their details, they must submit a request to the Academy administration with the necessary supporting documents.
  • Attend all training courses and activities, ensuring punctuality and adhering to the maximum permissible absence limits.
  • Avoid any actions that would disrupt training programs or obstruct the work of administrators or employees.
  • Communicate with the Academy’s administration for inquiries through official communication channels, such as and
  • Uphold good conduct and behavior and refrain from actions that could compromise the security of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or undermine its values and principles.
  • Wear appropriate clothing that aligns with public values and morals.



  • Treat all trainees and employees of the Academy with respect and courtesy.
  • Avoid disruptive behavior inside or outside the Academy buildings.



  • Do not enter restricted or prohibited areas without prior permission from the Academy administration.
  • Adhere to safety instructions and follow trainers’ guidelines.
  • Report any safety hazards or issues immediately.
  • Respect the property of the Academy and other trainees.
  • Take necessary precautions to ensure your safety.



  • Refrain from stealing, misusing, or damaging any property belonging to the Academy or others.
  • Do not forge or distort any official documents or records.
  • Do not impersonate another person.



Avoid and refrain from all forms of inappropriate behavior, including:

  • Bullying, verbal, or physical abuse.
  • Sexual harassment, exploitation, or blackmail.
  • Threatening, harming, or assisting in harming others.



  • Use the Academy’s electronic platforms responsibly.
  • Respect the confidentiality of information exchanged during training, including personal data and course materials.
  • Do not share any confidential information with anyone outside the Academy without prior permission.
  • Adhere to online conduct rules and refrain from posting offensive or harmful content.



  • Submit original work and refrain from cheating or plagiarism.
  • Adhere to the ethics of scientific research and properly cite sources.
  • Report any suspicious cases of academic dishonesty.



  • Trainees must achieve an attendance rate of no less than 80% in all training programs to be eligible for a course completion certificate.
  • Certificates will only be awarded once all course requirements are met.
  • The duration of each training course will be calculated separately for each program.
  • Absences will be counted regardless of the reason.
  • Medical excuses for absences that exceed 20% of the course duration will not be accepted.
  • Trainees must attend from the beginning of each training session. If a trainee is late by more than ten minutes, they will be considered absent.



The Elaa Academy administration reserves the right to take necessary actions against any trainee who violates these rules. The severity of the action will be based on the nature and seriousness of the violation.



  • Elaa Academy is committed to providing a safe and stimulating learning environment for all trainees.
  • The Academy is not responsible for any damages or losses incurred by trainees as a result of violating these rules.



For inquiries or complaints, please contact the Elaa Academy administration through the official communication channels.



The Academy administration reserves the right to amend this code as needed in response to regulatory changes or developments in the training system.